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3 Fun Facts: Jon the Bassist


Updated: Oct 16, 2022

When he is not running around the stage he keeps the rhythm with his tasty bass lines! Slap da bass man! Check out Jon's Thee Fun Facts to learns what inspired him to play bass and why he loves playing today!

What inspired you to start playing your instrument?

It was 100% my dad. He would always bring me to his gigs when J was a kid. I would see him laying down those tasty bass lines in his Zydeco band and watch as he made so many people groove and dance. I remember thinking I wanted to be as good as him so I could do that. I told him I wanted to learn bass and I was serious. Soon after, he took me to buy my first bass and the rest is history. I would never be doing this if it wasn't for my talented bass playing dad.

What are two of your favorite bands and why?

This is tough because there are so many bands that could fall under my favorites. However, there are two that stand out.

Linkin Park:

Linkin Park was the first band that really spoke to me on a deep level. I had a difficult time during my pre-teen/teen years and listening to Linkin Park helped me navigate that difficulty. Their lyrics and music reflected my feelings and helped me realize I was not the only feeling the same way in my young life. They really helped me get through some of the toughest times in my life and helped me find myself when I was totally lost. I still listen to them today when I am feeling especially low so they can give me their musical remedy. The song Somewhere I Belong is especially important to me and reminds me how far I have come. RIP Chester.


Deftones might be the band that defined my musical taste and musician playing. White Pony was one of the first CDs I ever purchased! I love Chino’s haunting vocals mixed with the band's heavy sound. It just creates a completely unique and amazing musical experience that few others (if any) can replicate. They are truly a special band in my eyes and I could listen to them non stop for the rest of my life!

What is your favorite part about writing music?

My favorite part about writing music is when the creative inspiration erupts with Tyler and Teresa. They are the most amazing musicians I know! One of us can come up with a small part and we start jamming and it just comes together. It can turn into an amazing musical experience that we never could have created without the input of the others. Writing music with Hollowell is like opening a treasure chest whenever we get into a room together. You never what you are going to find but you know it is going to be great.

What are three fun facts about you?

I enjoy playing video games when I am not playing music.

I had a stint as an amateur archaeologist when I was in college and I have a MA in History. (I am a total history nerd).

I am a vegetarian! Weird!



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